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Updated: Apr 5, 2021

As we head toward warmer, brighter, longer days, we can start looking forward to the season for more fresh fruits and vegetables. MMMM.... strawberries and grapes and cucumbers!! And there's nothing like a fresh tomato right out of the garden! But as far as the stuff we buy at the local grocery store, there's no telling what contaminants they might contain. To ensure that most of their crops aren't lost to weeds, insects, fungi or other diseases, many farmers will spray with synthetic pesticides and herbicides. Many of these chemicals can be harmful if ingested, not only to humans but also to birds, fish, and beneficial insects.

There are studies showing that synthetic chemicals used as pesticides can interfere with hormones, suppress the immune system, cause reproductive harm and cancer. 1 In addition, the US still allows pesticides that have been banned in other agricultural countries. A study in 2019 showed that "there are 72, 17, and 11 pesticides approved for outdoor agricultural applications in the USA that are banned or in the process of complete phase out in the EU, Brazil, and China, respectively." 2 There are some safer, natural alternatives that have been studied and found to be effective including neem oil, lavender oil, cottonseed oil, garlic oil and mint oil. 3

Luckily, there are groups out there fighting for bans on the use of harmful chemicals in our food. One of them is the non-profit, non-partisan organization called the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Their website states that their mission "is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. With breakthrough research and education, we drive consumer choice and civic action."

BREAKING NEWS! We can't buy organic everything all the time. It can get expensive and sometimes you just can't find that organic eggplant... What is important to understand is that some crops are more heavily contaminated than others. Each year the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) tests for levels of harmful chemicals in crops AFTER washing, peeling or scrubbing. With this handy information, the EWG just came out with their 2021 lists for the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean 15". You can enter your email to get a downloadable PDF which you can screenshot and keep handy on your phone, OR for a $15 donation you can get a nifty hang tag! I have no affiliation with this group, I just think they are awesome and love to support them!!

As with other things in life, we can't completely avoid exposure to these harmful chemicals. We can do our best. Try to buy organic when you need something from the Dirty Dozen and feel more at ease when you buy something conventionally grown that is on the Clean 15 list. Always wash your produce well, even if it is organic. And let this light a fire in you so we can spread the word and join the mission to reduce or eliminate chemicals in our food!

  1. Impact of pesticides use in agriculture: their benefits and hazards

  2. Donley, N. The USA lags behind other agricultural nations in banning harmful pesticides. Environ Health18, 44 (2019).

  3. Article on Competitive, Sustainable Natural Pesticides

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